Alexander: Draw from Edea at the end of disc 2 or draw from Catoblepas at Ultimecia's Castle.
Bahamut: Deep Sea Research Center in the bottom left corner of the world map.
You have to get to the top right corner but you can't move when the blue light is glowing or you will be battled.
Once you get to the top right corner you will be ask questioned. Answer the first question then you will fight a Rubydragon. After you beat the Rubydragon you will be asked another question. If you have high HP say never then you will fight another Rubydragon. You will be asked another question. If you have high HP after that go to
the second answer and press down then X. You will fight Bahamut. He has 30000 - 90000 HP.
Boko: Catch a Chocobo at one of the Chocobo Forests and you will get a Chicobo. You have to use Gyashl Greens in battle.
Brothers: At the Tome of The Unknown King fight Sacred at the right side then go as to the right as you can from ther and you will find a draw point in the top left and a cement platform being held up by a chain. Go to the right side of the chain and press X. the chain will fall with the platform. From there go as far right as you can go and there should be some gears and a handle in the top left of the room and a river flowing at the top. Then go to where you entered and go straight. You should find Sacred. He will call his brother Minotaur. Beat them and they will join you. Minotaur has 2500+ and Sacred has 1500+ HP.
Cactuar: Get the Ragnarok and go to Cactuar Island. You should find an island somewhere around there with a cactuar popping up and down. Walk up to it and you will fight it. Beat it and you will get Cactuar.
Carbuncle: Draw from a Igiun at the end of disc one or draw from Krysta at Ultimecia's Castle.
Cerberus: Beat him at the end of disc 2 in Galbadia Garden or draw from Gargantua at Utimecia's Castle.
Diablo: Use the Magic Lamp. You should save first.
Doomtrain: Get the Solomon's Ring and 6 Malboro Tentacles, 6 Remedy+ (Alexander Med LV Up) ,6 Steel Pipes then use the Solomon's Ring.
Eden: After you get Bahamut go to the Ragnarok and talk to everyone (Quistis,Irvine,Selphie,Zell,ect.). Then go back into the Deep Sea Reasearch Center. Now you can climb down the hole. Once you've gotten to the bottom of the hole go to the control board. It will explain some things that you have to read. After a while a hatch in the floor will open. Go down the opened hatch and keep on going to the control board and go down the open hatchs. When you get to the bottom there will be a big machine. Walk up to it and press X. Then choose to let Zell play with it. After a while he will make the door open. Then there will be a big stair case with really strong monsters. I was at level 100 and they still killed me because you cant run away. At the end of the stair case there will be a control board. If you use Siren's move&find then you will find a save point. Then go to the control board and press X. Something will happen then you will fight Ultimaweapon. Draw Eden from him. He has 170000 HP. I recommend using Squalls limit break with the Lionheart. Or you can draw from Tiamit at Ultimecia's Castle.
Gilgamesh: If you got Odin before the end of the third disc then Seifer will kill Odin and at the end of the battle Gilgamesh will beat Seifer and you will get him.
Ifrit: Beat him in the Fire Cavern.
Leviathan: Draw from Norg or draw from Trauma at Ultimecia's Castle.
Minimog: Pocketstation only.
Moomba: Pocketstation only.
Odin: Go to Centra Ruins and go to the point when you go up an elevator. Then go up the ladder on the left. Go up to the controls and press X. Go to the elevator and press X at the glowing blue ball. Go up the stairs that appear on the right and go up the first ladder you see. There is a statue. Go up to the statue and press X. Take out both of the eyes and go up the rest of the stairs. You will come up to a dome with a ladder on the left of it. Climb up the ladder and press X at the statue. Put both of the eyes in and then write down the code. Then take the eyes out. Go back to the other statue and put in the eyes and enter the code. Go into the opened door and go fight Odin. He does not attack but he has 7500 - 30000 HP.
Pandemona: Draw from Fujin in Balamb Town or draw from Red Giant at Ultimecia's Castle.
Phoenix: In Shumi Village go to the very last house and go in. Go to the back and you will see a statue of laguna being built. Just do some talking and leave. You have to have gotten the Moomba away from the big house now. Go into the house that the Moomba was Guarding. Do some talking and the elder should tell you to help with the statue. Go to the house with the statue and talk to the man that is building it. He will tell you about stones that he needs. He will tell you to find a rock then you get it and bring it to him. Then he will tell you to get another one and ect. The name of the rock will help you find its location. Once you find all the rocks and give them to him go to the Elder's House and talk to him. The reward he gives you is to have a look at his hand. So then after your two party members leave just walk out the door. But before you walk out the door the elders helper will give you a phoenix pinion. Use the item in battle to summon Phoenix. Once you got Phoenix he will come randomly when all of your members die. He will revive all of your members and hurt the enemy. He doesn't revive your members to full health.
Quezacotl: Start with.
Shiva: Start with.
Siren: Draw from Elvoret on the first disc or draw from Tri-point at Ultimecia's Castle.
Tonberry: Go to the entrance of Centra Ruins and beat twenty tonberrys. Right after the twentieth tonberry is beaten the tonberry king will come. He has 90000HP.