Chocobo World
This is what the moving screen looks like. You have to press left, right, up, and down to move.
This is what the battle screen looks like. You have to press left and right repeatedly
until your number in the middle is at zero to do damage.
This is the screen when you win a battle.
After the screen above this screen will appear. You can press ctrl or just press nothing. You have to get 3 dots in a line to get a level up.
If you die this screen will come up. Wait till his HP is full then press ctrl.
If this screen appears then Cactuar will give you an item with the letter A, B, C, or D. These items are used to send to FF8. Moomba will also come and give you better weapons. Minimog will come to and follow you on your adventure. If you go to the move screen then press left when you get Minimog you can put him on stand by or on sleep. If he is on stand by then when you die in battle he will do an attack damaging with a random number from your weapon. If he kills the enemy then you get 1 HP but if he doesn't you die and lose Minimog. After that you have a better chance of getting him again. The next time you get him he will have something in his hand witch is to get levels up (second screen up).
From the map screen press ctrl and the menu screen will appear. The flashing dot shows your location. The other dots show where events are. You have to try and get to them.
From the map screen press right and the stats screen will appear. The top number tells what
weapon you have. If you have the weapon 4200 then when you attack you have a 25% chance of hurting 4,
25% chance of hurting 2, and 50% chance of hurting 0.
The next number tells what level you're at. At certain levels special events happen.
The next number tells your current HP and the last number tells your ID.
From the stats screen press right and the item screen will appear. This screen tells how many of each
item you have. A is the best and D is the worst.
Press right from the item screen and the event screen will appear. If event wait is on then you will rescue the female chocobo at level 50 and you don't have to fight any battles. If it is off then at level 50 you will fall down the hole and lose all your HP.
From the event screen press right and the move screen will appear. This is the movement pattern that Chicobo will follow in the Walking Screen. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the pattern you like. The larger the number, the more distance covered, but the longer it will take to get from one side of the map to the other. Whatever pattern you use, Chicobo can recognize where events are on the map. He will aim for what he thinks is the closest event, which may not agree with what you think is closer. If this is the case, use the up and down cursor keys in the Map Screen, or any of the cursor keys in the walking screen, to change his direction.
Here is some stuff you should know.
Level Range
From level 1 to 100.
HP = Chicobo's max HP + 6.
Red Bat
From level 10 to 100.
HP = Chicobo's max HP + 8.
From level 30 to 100.
HP = Chicobo's max HP + 10.
Demon King
From level 70 to 100.
HP = Chicobo's max HP + 16.

After level 10:
A 28 out of 512 chance of finding Minimog. If Minimog joins in one of your battles, there is a 256 in 512 chance of finding him again afterwards.
Level 20:
Finding the female Chocobo.
At level 50:
Falling down a hole and having your HP zero'd out, or rescuing the female Chocobo and receiving a kiss (whether Event Wait is ON or OFF).
After level 50:
If Chicobo was kissed at level 50, there is a 4 out of 512 chance that any given event will be the female Chocobo appearing again, to give him another kiss (for a total of 3 kisses).
At level 75:
Having Moomba, Cactuar and Minimog all yell at you to hurry up, followed by fireworks.
At level 100:
The female Chocobo calls for help, only to be kidnapped by the Demon King.
After 100:
If you defeat the Demon King (assuming that he ever decides to attack you), you'll rescue the female Chocobo.
Summoning Moomba, Chicobo, and Minimog in FF8.
Just use a Friendship Amulet from your Item inventory. The MoombaMoomba attack pounds, kicks, and throws dirt on the enemy, damaging it for 25% of its HP (similar to calling Diablos). If the enemy has more than 40,000 HP, Moomba will deliver 9999 hits.
Make sure that Chicobo is highlighted in the File/Save area (that you called him home). Then, during battle, use a Gysahl Green from the Item inventory. The attack that he uses depends on how many times he was kissed by the female Chocobo in Chocobo World. There are: ChocoFire (you start with this), ChocoFlare, ChocoMeteor and finally ChocoBuckle (which can do over 9999 hits). You can tell if Chicobo has been upgraded by looking at the weapon stat in the menu screens. If you have ChocoFlare, the weapon stat in CW would look like - |7|8|6|9|* (one small block per upgrade). In the File/Save screen in FF8, there will be one or more stars under Chicobo's picture.
Make sure that Minimog is highlighted in the File/Save area (that you called him home when you called Chicobo home). You also need to have the Mog Amulet in order to teach one of your GFs the Call Mog ability. Have one of your characters select the Mog ability prior to going into battle. If you do call Minimog, he will appear ala a pop idol singer, then do a little dance, followed by a back flip. When finished, all of your GFs will be healed by 1500 HP - which is the only way to heal a GF during a battle (the GF Potions in your Item list can only heal a GF when you're not in battle mode.)